Visual Pizza
Visual Marketing by the Slice
Welcome to our easy-to-use guide on visual marketing! This guide is developed for newbies and experts. We’ve made a simple step-by-step resource to help you create a brand that people talk about, produce visuals people remember and then communicate this message far and wide.
Each step is full of handy tips and easy advice to help you get your brand noticed by more people. Dive in and explore…
Step 1: Develop your Story (Brand Story)
Start here…
People do business with those that they know and trust. What do your customers know about you? What is your unique and compelling ‘brand’ story?
Step 2: Develop the 'Visuals' to tell that Story
Let’s look at ‘Visual Communication’, the fastest and most effective way to cut through the marketing ‘noise’ and get noticed in a very busy world.’
Step 3: Communicate Your Brand Story
If you’ve examined your Brand Story in section one, developed out a strong visual strategy in section 2, it’s now time to communicate your unique and compelling brand story across all channels.